
5 prizes of $1,000 Cash each.

1 Cash Prize of $20,000.

Win half of an increasing jackpot of up to $1,000,000.

Once draws have been completed prize letters will be mailed out within 3-4 weeks following the draw. The prize letter informs the winner of what they have won and where and when to pick up their prize. They must have the prize letter and picture I.D. to claim the prize. All prizes must be accepted as awarded. There will be no cash substitutions unless otherwise stated in the official raffle rules.


Previous Supporters 

Cutoff: 11:59pm April 10, 2025
Draw: 2:00pm April 24, 2025

Early Bird 

Cutoff: 11:59pm May 5, 2025
Draw: 2:00pm May 15, 2025

Second Chance Early Bird

Cutoff: 11:59pm May 26, 2025
Draw: 2:00pm June 5, 2025

Mega Bucks 50

Cutoff: 11:59pm June 16, 2025
Final Draw: 10:00am June 26, 2025

Final Lottery Draw 

Cutoff: 11:59pm June 16, 2025
Final Draw: 10:00am June 26, 2025

All draws will take place at the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation office

A full list will be posted to the website reddeerhospitallottery.ca, 5 – 10 business days after the draw.


By phone in Red Deer and area (403) 340-1878 or Toll Free phone outside of Red Deer 1-877-808-9005

Or online Website address reddeerhospitallottery.ca

In Person at:

128 Emmett Crescent, Red Deer
Grand Opening: 1:00pm Friday, April 11, 2025
Hours of operation: April 12 to June 15– Saturday from 11 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 1 pm to 5 pm.

128 Emmett Crescent: Travel north on 30th Avenue towards 67 Street East. Drive straight through the roundabout, continuing on 30th Avenue. Turn right onto Evergreen Way and then your first exit off the roundabout onto Emerald Drive. Take the second right from the roundabout onto Emmett Crescent. The destination is the corner house on your immediate right.

PO Box 1098
Red Deer, AB T4N 6S5

Cheque, Money Order, Visa, MasterCard. Debit & cash at Dream home and special events. No postdated cheques accepted

*Debit not available on the website.

Yes. Gift tickets/packages must have the same name on all tickets. Gifts for different people must each be purchased separately. After choosing the ticket packages you intend to gift, click the gift option and add the giftee’s name and contact information. All tickets in the chosen package(s) will be assigned to the giftee. An email address is necessary to buy tickets as a gift. You will choose the date to email the tickets to the giftee, and they will arrive on that date as an attachment. For deadline eligibility, the date of purchase is used, not the scheduled delivery date of the e-ticket.

1 for $20, 8 for $100, 15 for $150 or 30 fo $250

287,000 sets structured as:

4,000 at $20 each,
11,000 at 8 for $100
5,500 at 15 for $150 &
3,250 sets at 30 for $250

1 for $10, 10 for $25, 25 for $50 or 50 for $75

538,250 sets structured as:

3,250 singles for $10
11,000 sets of 10 for $25
4,400 sets of 25 for $50 &
6,300 sets of 50 for $75

Please allow 72 hours. If you choose e-ticket you will not receive a printed ticket by mail. If you do not have it by email within 72 hours, you can email [email protected].

Please check your junk folder.

No, there is no tax receipt issued and the ticket is not tax deductible.

Yes, should the purchaser’s ticket be a winner, the prize is then awarded to the corporation or business and the person who claims the prize must be able to prove they are an authorized officer of that company.

Maximum of two names per ticket order. For group orders, it is the responsibility of the group to keep a record of who is involved in the purchase. RDRHF and Lottery management will not be responsible for any conflict between group purchases.

In the event of a winning ticket stub having more than one name, the prize letter and cheque will be sent to the first name on the ticket confirmation stub.

Any purchaser who RESIDES OUTSIDE ALBERTA BUT IS CALLING FROM WITHIN ALBERTA may purchase a ticket. The ticket can be mailed to any address (even out of Alberta). The web site and toll free number can only be accessed if you are within the province of Alberta.

All entries are eligible for all draws, even if a ticket has been drawn in an earlier draw if purchased prior to the published cut off dates. The Red Deer Hospital Lottery home draw is separate from the Mega Bucks 50 draw. Only persons who have purchased tickets specifically for the Mega Bucks 50 draw will be entered for that prize. All draws will be conducted using an RNG (Random Number Generation) system. The winning raffle draw number shall be determined from the pool of sold raffle ticket numbers.

The Red Deer Regional Health Foundation respects the personal privacy of all donors. Donor information is used to process tickets, donations, recognition programs, and for ongoing fundraising activities. We do not share our donor lists.


Stride Management Corp.  3950 12 Street NE, Calgary, AB  T2E 8H9

A full list will be posted to the website reddeerhospitallottery.ca, 5 – 10 business days after the draw.


  1. Tickets will not be sold outside of the province of Alberta.
  2. The number of tickets printed in this lottery is 287,000 structured as: 4,000 at $20 each, 88,000 tickets at 8 for $100 (11,000 packages), 97,500 tickets at 15 for $150 (6,500 packages) and 97,500 tickets at 30 for $250 (3,250 packages). Total ticket value is $2,967,500.00.
  3. Tickets may be purchased with cheque, VISA or MasterCard. Debit cards may be used at in-person sales outlets. All ticket requests must be received at Stride Management Corp. prior to final cutoff to be valid. The RDRHF’s liability is limited to the purchase price of the ticket.
  4. All sets of multiple tickets must contain the same purchaser information.
  5. Ticket control and distribution for Red Deer Hospital Lottery 2025 will be under the management of Stride Management Corp. 3950 12th Street N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 8H9.
  6. All draws will be managed by the firm of Stride Management Corp. 3950 12th Street N.E. Calgary AB T2E 8H9. All draws are open to the public and will be completed using Random Number Generator (RNG). Two executive members of the Foundation and one member of the public will be present as witnesses at the draw. Each winning ticket number will be eligible for all future draws.
    1. Previous Supporter and Friends Draw
      Ticket sales cut-off: April 10, 2025 (11:59pm)
      Draw date: April 24, 2025 (2:00pm)
      Location: Red Deer Regional Health Foundation – 3942 50A Avenue Red Deer
      Draws: 5 – $1,000 Cash Prizes
    2. Early Bird Draw
      Ticket sales cut-off: May 5, 2025 (11:59pm)
      Draw date: May 15, 2025 (2:00pm)
      Location: Red Deer Regional Health Foundation – 3942 50A Avenue Red Deer
      Draw: 1 prize of $20,000.00 cash
    3. Second Chance Draw
      Ticket sales cut-off: May 26, 2025 (11:59pm)
      Draw date: June 5, 2025 (2:00pm)
      Location: Red Deer Regional Health Foundation – 3942 50A Avenue Red Deer
      Draw: 1 prize of $10,000.00 cash
    4. Final Draw
      Ticket sales cut-off: June 16, 2025 (11:59pm)
      Draw date: June 26, 2025 (10:00am)
      Location: Red Deer Regional Health Foundation – 3942 50A Avenue Red Deer
  7. Each prize draw will select one (1) winner at random. The order in which the prizes will be drawn is from least retail value up to the prize of greatest value.  Ticket buyers are eligible for all draws provided they have purchased their tickets by the applicable deadlines.
  8. Files are continuously backed up by Stride Management Corp. In the event of a power failure the draw will be postponed and take place immediately once power has been restored.
  9. Ticket sales cut-off dates provide for cheques to clear the bank prior to a ticket being issued and placed in the draw.
  10. The following are ineligible to purchase tickets in the lottery:
    1. Management and staff of Stride Management Corp. and their immediate family members.
    2. The Foundation Board of Directors prohibit the following individuals from purchasing tickets in the lottery: board members, executive team, raffle chairperson, and staff of the Foundation and their immediate family members.
  11.  Age limit for ticket purchasers is 18 years or older and the name of a person under the age of 18 may not be written on the ticket due to requirements of the Public Trustee Act.
  12. Only upon demonstrating extraordinary circumstances to Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis will the Licensee make a request for a draw date extension.
  13. In the event that all tickets have been sold when a ticket request form is received from a potential ticket purchaser, the potential purchaser will be notified and where applicable, a refund of the ticket purchase amount will be made.
  14. Anyone wishing to cancel his or her ticket purchase and receive a full refund may do so, providing that the request is in writing and is received by April 17, 2025; one week prior to the first draw.  Requests for ticket cancellation must be mailed or hand delivered to Stride Management Corp. 3950 12th Street NE Calgary, AB T2E 8H9. If any purchased ticket has been entered into the raffle for any draw, no refund will be issued as that ticket will be deemed to have received its fair market value.
  15. Ticket purchases are NOT eligible for tax receipts under Revenue Canada rules.
  16. Retail value of all prizes is $1,247,777.91 including GST.  30 prizes will be awarded.
  17. Prizes must be accepted as awardedno prize or cash substitutions will be offered unless otherwise stated in these official rules or unless the prize offers an advertised cash option.
  18. All winners have three months from the date of the draw (June 26, 2025) to claim their prize. If any prize remains unclaimed for 1 day more than three months from the draw date, a request will be made to Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis for a decision regarding the disbursement of the prize(s).
  19. Expenses incurred by the winner to claim their prize will not be reimbursed (for example, travel to pick-up the prize or postage to provide special delivery of the prize).
  20. In the event that a substitution for the prize advertised is required (for example, a certain model of an electronic prize) the substituted prize will be of equal or greater retail value than that which was advertised.
  21. In the event that a winning ticket stub lists more than one name, the Licensee will award the prize to the individual whose name appears first on the stub. The Licensee and Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis are not responsible for resolving any disputes that may arise between the different individuals. Any disputes and cost of the disputes are the sole responsibility of the primary person on the ticket. For ticket inquiries please contact the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation at 403-343-4773.
  22. All winners will be notified in writing and in some cases also by telephone by Red Deer Hospital Lottery officials and/or the firm of Stride Management Corp. informing them of what they have won and how to claim the prize.  All winners’ names will be published on the Red Deer Hospital Lottery website: www.reddeerhospitallottery.ca
  23. The Red Deer Regional Health Foundation reserves the right to publish the names and photographs of all winners for promotional and notification reasons. A list of winners will be kept with the raffle records, including the winners’ names, ticket numbers and prizes won and will be provided at no cost to any ticket holder upon request.
  24. All persons 18 and older who purchase a Red Deer Hospital Lottery ticket within the province of Alberta before the cut-off date of 11:59pm on April 10, 2025 will be eligible for the Previous Supporters & Friends draw regardless of whether or not they purchased a ticket in previous years.
  25. Retail values are approximate as of the date contracts were negotiated with the suppliers.  Due to housing market fluctuations, the market value of the real estate prize may rise or diminish over time.  Neither the winner nor the charity is entitled to the difference, if any, between the stated and actual market value at the time the prize is awarded.  Prize values include taxes, where applicable.
  26. Privacy: Both the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation and Stride Management Corp. respect the privacy of our ticket purchasers. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. The personal information collected by the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation will be used to process ticket orders and to contact purchasers regarding ongoing and future lotteries.
  27. Raffle questions, concerns or complaints can be addressed to the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation in writing to 3942 50A Avenue, Red Deer, T4N 4E7, or by phone at 403-343-4773.
  1. Draw Date: The Mega Bucks 50 draw will be held on June 26, 2025 at the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation, 3942 50A Avenue, Red Deer, T4N 4E7. Only tickets purchased before the Mega Bucks 50 cutoff of 11:59PM Monday, June 16, 2025 will be eligible for this draw.
  2. The draw will select one (1) winner at random. All draws are open to the public and will be completed using Random Number Generator (RNG). Two executive members of the Foundation and one member of the public will be present as witnesses at the draw.
  3. Tickets will not be sold outside of the province of Alberta.
  4. The winner will be notified in writing and/or phone by the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation detailing what they have won and where they can claim their prize. Also, the name, city and winning ticket number of the winner will be published on the lottery website site: www.reddeerhospitallottery.ca.
  5. Prize must be accepted as awarded and must be claimed by September 30, 2025. If the prize remains unclaimed for more than three months from the date of the draw, a request will be made to Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis for a decision regarding the disbursement of the prize.
  6. Contest guidelines prohibit the following people from purchasing tickets in the lottery:
    1. Management and staff of Stride Management Corp. and their immediate family members.
    2. The Foundation Board of Directors prohibit the following individuals from purchasing tickets in the lottery: board members, executive team, raffle chairperson, and staff of the Foundation and their immediate family members.
    3. Anyone under the age of The Licensee will advise all purchasers not to include the name of anyone under the age of 18 on the ticket due to the requirements of the Public Trustee Act.
  7. All sets of multiple tickets must contain the same purchaser information.
  8. In the event that the winning ticket stub lists more than one name, the Licensee will award the prize to the individual whose name appears first on the stub. The Licensee and Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis are not responsible for resolving any disputes that may arise between the different individuals. Any disputes and cost of the disputes are the sole responsibility of the primary person on the ticket. For ticket inquiries please contact the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation at 403-343-4773.
  9. The number of tickets printed in this lottery is 538,250 structured as: 3,250 at $10 each, 110,000 tickets of 10 for $25 (11,000 packages), 110,000 tickets of 25 for $50 (4,400 packages) and 315,000 tickets of 50 for $75 (6,300 packages). Total ticket value is $1,000,000.00.
  10. The winner will receive 50% of Mega Bucks 50 ticket sales.
  11. Ticket control and distribution for Mega Bucks 50 will be under the management of Stride Management Corp. 3950  12th Street N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 8H9.
  12. All draw(s) will be managed by the firm of Stride Management Corp. 3950 12th Street N.E. Calgary AB T2E 8H9.
  13. Purchasers are not required to purchase a ticket in the 2025 Red Deer Hospital Lottery to be eligible to purchase tickets in the 2025 Mega Bucks 50 lottery. However, ticket purchasers who only purchase Mega Bucks 50 tickets and not 2025 Red Deer Hospital Lottery tickets will only be eligible for the Mega Bucks 50 draw being held on June 26, 2025.
  14. All tickets will be controlled by Stride Management Corp and are only available through mail, phone, internet, and specific vendor outlets. All ticket requests must be received at Stride Management Corp. prior to final cutoff to be valid.
  15. Tickets may be purchased with cheque, VISA or MasterCard. Debit cards may be used at in-person sales outlets. The RDRHF’s liability is limited to the purchase price of the ticket.
  16. If any purchased ticket has been entered for the draw, no refund will be issued.
  17. Files are continuously backed up by Stride Management Corp. In the event of a power failure the draw will be postponed and take place immediately once power has been restored.
  18. Only upon demonstrating extraordinary circumstances to Alberta Gaming, Liquor & Cannabis will the Licensee make a request for a draw date extension.
  19. The Red Deer Regional Health Foundation reserves the right to publish the name(s) and photographs of all winners, for promotional and notification reasons. The winner’s name, ticket number, and prize must be kept with the raffle records, and must be provided at no cost to any ticket holder upon request.
  20. Privacy: Both the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation and Stride Management Corp. respect the privacy of our ticket purchasers. We do not rent, sell or trade our mailing lists. The personal information collected by the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation will be used to process ticket orders and to contact purchasers regarding ongoing and future lotteries.
  21. Raffle questions, concerns or complaints can be addressed to the Red Deer Regional Health Foundation in writing to 3942 50A Avenue, Red Deer, T4N 4E7, or by phone at 403-343-4773.

Your ticket purchase today means a matching donation from CPKC to support the hospital.